pdx badgers website

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Welcome to PDX Badgers Pages.


The Idea

The 2015 badge is a wifi base IoT node. It runs on an esp8266 micro controller, which has an integrated wifi radio, is very inexpensive, and has a good development community. Our code is in github. Some helpful material:

Getting Started

Some of use have node mcu boards as our esp8266 develoment platform for the software. To get it up and running with Arduino, follow the directions at the esp arduino project. With that, you should be able to flash the nodemcu and go through some of the example projects in the esp folder under examples in the arduino IDE.

Sample Commands

There are a few commands that you can give your badger with a sorta RESTy interface at http://your.badgers.ip/command?params.

/flagthe current CTF flag
/flag?newflag=myflagset the CTF flag to myflag
/ledshow many LEDs and how are they flashing
/leds/status of all the LEDs
/leds?m=noneall LEDs off
/leds?m=allall LEDs on
/leds?m=blinkall LEDs blink
/leds?m=chasetwo LEDs chasing along the badge
/leds?m=twinklerandom LED flashing
/leds?d=nstatus of LED n
/leds?d=n&s=1set LED on (1) or off (2)
/leds?d=n&r=R&g=G&b=Bset an RGB LED to color #RRGGBB. It has to be turned on/off separately.